Dr. Lee Nan talked about Reishi
December 11, 2000

Dr. Lee Nan is a world-famous Chinese doctor. He has written a
large number of books which are popular all over the world.
During the Millenium Christmas Party on Dec. 8, 2000, Dr. Lee told the
Dear friends, I came to the Christmas Party last year. So I have met many of
Today I would like to tell you that my happiest moment today was the creation of
a couplet on a pair of scrolls which I have given to Rejuveno as a present. I
would like to chant it out for you. The meaning of the couplet concerns all of
you in the audience. Rejuveno's Chinese name has two characters
"Revive" and "Spring". They make the first characters of
each one of the two scrolls. "Reviving medicine of the fairies". What
is "medicine of the fairies"? In the past many martial arts novels
told us that if one finds Reishi, or the Snow Lotus of Tinshan, one can revive
someone, because it can revive someone from the dead. This means that the
products that Rejuveno supplies can be said to be truly the best medicines in
the world. Such medicines are called "medicines of the fairies" which
can revive people. After using the "Reviving medicine of the fairies",
of course one would feel energetic and healthy. The last phrase in the scroll
starts with "Spring streaming with sweet dew". What is "sweet
dew"? All of you must have heard that those who believe in Lady Buddha long
for "sweet dew". "Sweet dew" can also revive someone. Even
though some people are sick, or dead, a droplet of "sweet dew" in the
throat or nostril can revive them. So one phrase starts with "Reviving
medicine of the fairies", the other starts with "Spring streaming with
sweet dew". They match in the couplet. In other words, Rejuveno has these
medicines of the fairies, and the sweet dew. There is no need to seek outside
help, right? "Benefit longevity" means beneficial to the body,
enabling it to live to a hundred years. So this year my best gifts to you during
Christmas and the New Year are these two phrases that I, Li Nan, give you as
presents. This way after you have eaten the medicine of the fairies and the
magical sweet dew, everyone of you have good health and prosperity.
The products of Rejuveno are both ancient and popular. Why are they ancient? Now
I am 60 years old. When I was a teenager and still in secondary school, one day
I came home to help my grandfather write those prescriptions. Well, he was using
Reishi again! I said, "Grandfather, what good is Reishi?" He said,
"Reishi? Reishi has a history of over 5,000 years now. The Chinese take it
as an excellent treasure." I said, "5,000 years! It is so old. Is it
really effective?" He said, "Why not? If it was not effective, it
would not have been supported by so many people for 5,000 years! Anyway, it has
countless benefits."
As far as the benefits of Reishi are concerned, frankly speaking, Dr. Ng in
comparison with me, although I studied Chinese medicine, but he is a Doctor in
Chemistry. So he knows much more than I do. You have been attending his seminars
every month, so of course you know more than I do. In the past there was a
Chinese Buddhist saying, "Reishi, herb of the fairies, is only available to
those who are destined to get it." In the old days, it is not so simple to
get Reishi, just a few hundred dollars a bottle. In the past, one has to go into
the mountains. There was no cultured product. The herb must be found in nature,
on the cliffs of the mountains. You couldn't get it if you were rich. You have
to get the chance of meeting someone who would sell it to you. So in those times
one could say Reishi was the herb of the fairies. You have to be destined to get
it. Now those of you in the audience are all destined to know Rejuveno, so all
of you can get it.
So all of you will be healthy, and have longevity. Right?