More Energy, Less Pain, and Weight Loss
March 26, 2014

On January 28, 2003, Brian Watson of Ottawa wrote in an email:
I'm very pleased with the Rejuveno products and for the advice that you have provided me. I've been also doing a lot of physical exercise over the past 6 weeks despite the cold weather - cross country skiing, skating, jogging and brisk walks. Both the exercise and the Rejuveno products have improved my health.
My energy level is way up. I'm sleeping better. My skin has improved. My immune system feels significantly stronger. I'm mentally sharper and the arthritic pain in my upper back, shoulders and neck is pretty much gone. I've lost 7 pounds. Even my eyesight (I use reading glasses) seems to have improved a bit.
Brian Watson
Ottawa, Ontario

Brian Watson is a chartered accountant living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In October 2002, he found Rejuveno's website and read one of the testimonials.
On Oct. 21, 2002 he wrote in an email:
I read the testimonial of [one of your customers] with interest. Would it be possible for you to provide me with her phone number.
I am also a chartered accountant. In recent years I have been experiencing mild pain/discomfort in my shoulders and neck. The muscles in my upper back are often tense and then don't respond well to repetitive exercise. I used to be very physically active and now I find that my shoulders/upper back feel bad after cross country skiing. Although I love all types of fruit I am now finding that the acidity in it produces a bit of a reaction in my skin and it almost makes me feel hung over.
I've been thinking of seeing a naturopathic doctor. I would also be interested in getting some information on prices of Rejuveno products and the book by Willard.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Watson