Christmas Party 2001 
Last update: Jan. 7, 2002

Many new friends came to our Christmas Party 2001 on Saturday, Dec. 8,
2001. Although the whole world is going through a recession, our Party
brought happiness to friends young and old alike, and it was a bigger party than
last year! We still had many overseas guests even though a lot people
hesitate to travel after Sep. 11.
We have posted many photos taken at the Party
at our website.
The Party was held at the world-famous and luxurious Jumbo Floating
Restaurant in Aberdeen, Hong Kong. We arranged a shuttle bus
to pick up many guests at Admiralty MTR Station. In spite of the
rain and unusually heavy traffic, our guests made it to the Party, albeit a
half-hour later than scheduled. Our guests filled the Dragon
Hall with lots of fun and laughter, songs and cheers.
Everyone got one or more Christmas gifts. The first 100 guests
got an extra gift of Dr. Lee Nan's new Herbal Muscle Rub DIFENAC which is worth HK$25.
Everyone got a free HoneyBar worth HK$10. There were 3 Table Prizes
and many Lucky Draw Prizes. Children also got a special Christmas
present from Santa Claus.
This year, our Masters of Ceremony were once again Janet and Ronnie who did a
great job for us last year.
Great musical performances and Christmas songs were led by our special band
with Josephine at the keyboard, Bill playing the flue, May singing with her
beautiful voice, and Stephen playing the guitar. Everyone enjoyed
singing the many Christmas songs.
The evening began with a video show of happy moments at Rejuveno events and
testimonials of grateful customers.
Dr. Robert Lam, Registrar of Hong Kong Baptist University and Chairman of the
Board of Deacons of Hong Kong Baptist Church, and a long-time friend of Dr. Ng,
said grace for us in prayer. He told our guests that "The First
Christmas Gift" was Jesus Christ who came not only as a newborn babe on the
first Christmas Day over 2000 years ago, but Jesus loved us so much that He gave
His life for us and shed His blood to cleanse our sins. His
excellent 10-minute story was enhanced with colorful slides with beautiful
photographs and graphics.
Our banquet was a snake feast with seafood and chicken. The food
was so delicious that even the most demanding guests called it a success.
Percy and Portia got everyone involved in a game of communicating four
Chinese characters with pictures. It was great fun looking at some
of the funny pictures. Our guests were extremely
creative! Table number one won the game with the phrase "God So
Loved the World".
For the benefit of the large number of new guests, Dr. Gilbert Ng briefly
explained the features and benefits of Rejuveno products and other products,
with the help of many informative slides. He announced the official
launch of HoneyBar and Dr. Lee Nan's new Herbal Muscle Rub DIFENAC.
Dr. Leung Fu Chuen talked about the threat of tens of thousands of new cancer
cells appearing in our body everyday, and advised everyone to strengthen the
immune system. He told the audience about a prostate cancer patient
whose PSA was reduced from over 20 to only 11 after taking Rejuveno products for
two months.
Connie interviewed two guests who used to suffer from incurable
diseases. 78-year-old Mr. Woo used to suffer from multiple myeloma
(cancer), but is now in remission. He said Rejuveno products helped
him so much he wants to take more of them. During his chemotherapy,
he did not feel the side effects while taking Reishi Deluxe and Cordyceps
Deluxe. Ms Carrie Chow used to have serious coughs for over
ten years. She started taking Reishi Deluxe about two months ago,
then added Cordyceps Deluxe a couple of weeks ago, and her coughs are
gone! Now her husband is also taking Rejuveno products.
Dr. Lee Nan explained the benefits and applications of his new Herbal Muscle
Rub DIFENAC. It is a useful product for muscle pain, joint pain, mild colds and flu,
and mosquito bites.
After the second round of food, Dr. Gilbert Ng presented special awards to
volunteers recognising their special achievements and contributions.
Those honored were Ronnie Mok, Janet Shing, Bill Tam, Rex and May Ho, Connie
Chan, and Anita Wang. Each of them got a Certificate of Achieivement
and a special gift.
The lucky draw brought excitement to the Party. The First Prize
winner was Ms Ling Kam Lan. Congratulations!
More guests bought products at the Party than we expected. Our
cleaning lady invited 8 guests to the Party and told us before the Party that
none of them would buy any product. But to her surprise, two of her
guests decided to buy our products on the spot!
We would like to thank all the volunteers who helped make the Party a great
success. Special thanks go to:
Dr. Robert Lam for the Christmas story;
Dr. Leung Fu Chuen for his health tips;
Dr. Lee Nan for his new product presentation, and giving us free samples of his
Herbal Ointment;
Peter Yung for taking video pictures and helping the transportation of
Ronnie Mok for serving as MC, contributing his great ideas, and supervising the
shuttle bus;
Patty Leung for supervising the shuttle bus;
Janet Shing for serving as MC and contributing her many creative ideas;
Connie Chan for hosting the interview and contributing her many great ideas in
designing the program;
Rex Ho for taking photographs;
May Ling for taking photographs;
Bill Tam for organizing the music program, playing the flute, and leading the
Christmas songs;
Josephine Kwan for selecting and printing the Christmas songs, playing the
keyboard, and lending her keyboard to us;
May Mak for singing with her beautiful voice;
Stephen Fong for playing the guitar, and selecting and typing the Christmas
Percy Fong for designing and hosting the game;
Portia Yu for designing and hosting the game;
Albert Ng for taking digital photographs;
Fred Ng for posing as Santa Claus;
Pat Lee for lending us the costume for Santa Claus;
Christina Kwok for donating one of the lucky draw prizes;
and all the leaders for inviting and paying for their guests.
Special thanks also go to members of our staff, Monday Lai and Sam Tau, for
their hard work and willingness to work overtime on Dec. 8. Without
their support there would be no party.
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