2002 Christmas Party
(updated on: Dec. 16, 2002) Our Christmas Party last Friday (Dec. 13, 2002) can be described in three words: "Greater than ever!" Three "Magi" from the East and two world-famous Chinese doctors shared with the audience their expert advice on the health of the body, mind, and spirit. The presence of renowned calligrapher and graphologist Professor Wong Yuen Ting was also a delightful addition to the joyful atmosphere. There were more than 120 first-time guests, the largest number in our history! Each of them received a special gift. The attendance rate among registered guests was almost 100%, which is extremely rare for this kind of event. Some guests made it to the party even while they were ill. Some non-registered guests made special reguests to join the Party even at the last minute! This year our Party was held at Gourmet Seafood Restaurant in North Point. We had a very rich program: Christmas songs, Santa Claus distributing Christmas gifts, Christmas stories, party game, lucky draws, live performances, Chinese-style buffet dinner, product presentations, testimonials, ....... and lots of fun and laughters filled the party room. Ernest was our Master of Ceremony. He created a joyful atmosphere, gave clear briefings so that every part of the program went smoothly. Before the buffet dinner, Mr. Chu led the audience to say grace to The Lord. Mr. Chu led the Christmas songs with his extra loud voice. Dr. Gilbert Ng personally played accompaniment on an electronic keyboard. Dr. W.H. Wat, famous psychologist and good friend of Dr. Ng, spoke during the Party. Through a story, he shared with the audience his expert opinions about marital and family problems of this Age. He also shared with the audience the secrets of spiritual joy. Everyone received Christmas gifts and met new friends. It was also a great time for old friends to see each other again. We had several guests from overseas too, including those from Canada and Macau. Joanly and Gazelle hosted the party game. At the Party, Dr. F.C. Leung told the audience how thankful he was towards Rejuveno products. His 88-year-old father was diagnosed to have prostate cancer a year ago. After taking Rejuveno products for a year, his cancer had not got worse. On the contrary, his PSA level came down from 22 to 9. He is full of energy and can move around by himself. During the recent checkup, the doctor told him that his next checkup could be a year later, which made him very happy! Ronnie interviewed the grateful users of our products, and helped bring joy to the audience through our lucky draw. Coco used to suffer from annoying sweating problems due to menopause, and also had a bad temper. She told us that after taking Rejuveno products for two months, her sweating stopped. She had no more insomnia, and she also calmed down. She has tried all seven Rejuveno products! Weller used to suffer from extremely serious allergic rhinitis. He told everyone that whenever he met with customers, he had to prepare two strips of tissue paper to stuff his nose, in order to stop the continuous dripping. After taking Rejuveno products, his allergies are gone! Dr. Charles Lam shared with the audience his business management expert opinions on the Rejuveno business, and his views on spiritual health. After his speech, he sang a song which touched the heart of many people in the audience. Most of them sang along "Wonderful Hands" with their clapping hands. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Nan, world-famous Chinese doctor, were also among our special guests. He praised the wonderful effects of Reishi. "In the old days, even rich people could not get any Reishi. Only the lucky ones could get it." He brought us several books with his own signatures, for our lucky draw. Dr. Lee has attended every Christmas Party held by Rejuveno, without exception. This year was he fourth time. Dr. Lee's good friend, famous calligrapher Professor Y.T. Wong was also among our special guests. He is a prominent scholar who teaches graphology at many universities such as Ching Wah University. He gave us four of his masterpieces for our lucky draw. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to him. Some pictures of the Party have been posted at this web page. There are a large number of photographs and videotape. You are welcome to view them at our office, or at the next seminar, and enjoy the fond memories of good times spent with old friends!