2005 Christmas Party
(updated on: Dec. 22, 2005)
Our Christmas Party in 2005 (Monday, Dec. 12 2005) had more guests than ever!" Inspite of the concern over riots during WTO meetings in Hong Kong, many guests came to the Party to fill 22 tables! They were also willing to pay the highest ticket prices ever. Members paid HK$188, non-members paid HK$268. Even at these prices, the Party was heavily subsidized by Rejuveno because of the many gifts, VIPs, grand prizes, and professional equipments. This year our Party was held again at Metropol Restaurant in Admiralty. Professional sound engineers supported the whole event with their professional audio equipments and musical instruments. We had a very rich program: Christmas songs, Santa Claus distributing Christmas gifts, party game, lucky draws, live band, the Chau family singers, Chinese-style banquet, product presentations, testimonials, ....... and lots of fun and laughters filled the party room. Ernest and Winnie were once again our Masters of Ceremony. They created a very joyful atmosphere, gave clear briefings so that every part of the program went smoothly. Before the dinner, Mrs. Anita Yeung from Ottawa led the audience to say grace to The Lord. Patrick Lai and Simon Chou led the Christmas songs with their good voices. Robina played accompaniment on an electronic keyboard. Dr. Sandra Tsang, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at The University of Hong Kong, delivered an interesting message with very cute PowerPoint slides to illustrate her message on spiritual and mental health. Everyone received Christmas gifts and met new friends. It was also a great time for old friends to see each other again. Joanly and Anna hosted the party game. Each table sent a representative to participate in a coke-drinking competition, using extra-long straws. This was an exciting moment in the Party, and everyone enjoyed the fun and laughters. At the Party, Dr. F.C. Leung gave his valuable health advice to the audience. Three of the guests shared their testimonials with the audience, on how Rejuveno products helped them restore good health. They were Mrs. Anita Yeung from Ottawa, Ms Cheng from Hong Kong, and Miss Apple Tang from Hong Kong. Dr. Charles Lam and Simon Chou sang two songs which touched the hearts of many people in the audience. For the first time, four members of the "Chau Family Singers" praised God with Stephen's voice and guitar, Robina's keyboard, Ivan's drums, and Nathan's tambourine. Also for the first time, live band "Dreamers" (Jason, Taft, and Dai Sook) played music while Jason sang a song he has written. They won a loud round of applause from the audience. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Nan, world-famous Chinese doctor, were also among our special guests. He praised the wonderful effects of Reishi Deluxe and other Rejuveno products. He brought us three calligraphies of his own work, for our lucky draw. Dr. Lee has attended every Christmas Party held by Rejuveno, without exception. This year was his seventh time. As usual, Dr. Gilbert Ng gave a brief product presentation for the benefit of first-time guests. When Santa Claus came on stage, his hilarious behavior and speech attracted not only children, but adult guests too. All children received extra Christmas gifts. Santa sang a special song he has written just for the occasion, using Rejuveno product features as lyrics, and "Jingle Bells" as melody. The song won a lot of applause! The lucky draw consisted of 5 table prizes per table, plus more than 30 grand prizes. Everyone received a VCD, a booklet about why there is Christmas, a calendar card, one set of Rejuveno product brochures, and a special cell-phone strap with Rejuveno name and logo. So NO ONE left empty-handed! As the Party ends, Dr. and Mrs. Ng shook hands with the happy guests as they leave. Even the most demanding guests were satisfied with this value-packed and fun-filled Christmas Party. "I have never been to a happier party!" said one of the guests. If you did not come to the Party, start planning to join our next one! Some pictures of the Party have been posted at this web page. There are a large number of photographs and videotape. You are welcome to view them at our office, or at the next seminar, and enjoy the fond memories of good times spent with old friends! |