Highlights from the Ottawa Seminars
on June 1, 2002
June 29, 2002
More guests came to our Ottawa English seminar than the Cantonese
seminar. Among them were many western guests who attended our
seminar for the first time.
The seminar this year was held in Ontario Room at Lord Elgin Hotel in
Ottawa. The English seminar was held from 9:30am to 12
noon. The Chinese seminar was held from 2:00pm to
4:30pm. Mrs. Anita Yeung was our Master of Ceremony.
After Dr. Ng's speech, Joyce Li gave her testimonies both in English and in
Cantonese. Everyone could see her great improvements compared to
last year. Last year she had to carry a cane and walked
slowly. This year she can move freely like a normal person, and jump
up and down and raise both hands. Everyone were amazed that she
could completely recover from stroke in just a few months.
After the seminar, most of the guests were so interested in Rejuveno products
that they stayed behind to ask many questions.
There was a lucky draw and refreshments after the seminar.

Audience at the English seminar in Ottawa, June 1, 2002.

The happy winner of the First Prize of our lucky draw at the Chinese seminar
in Ottawa, June 1, 2002.
We would like to thank Mrs. Anita Yeung, Mrs. May Ng and Ms Yan Yan Ho for
helping out at the seminars.
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