Highlights from The First Canadian Leaders ConferenceOct. 17, 2003
A total of 34 people participated in our First Canadian Leaders Conference held at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada for two full days, Sat.-Sun. Oct. 4-5, 2003. Edward had originally planned on going to Hong Kong at the end of September. But he decided to change his itinerary in order to join our Conference with his wife Christina. Their presence encouraged many of their downlines, and also attracted several new leaders to join the Conference. Anita and her downline Mei Ping made a special trip to come all the way from Ottawa to join the Conference. At first, they were skeptical about the benefits of the Conference, but their uplines and Dr. Ng encouraged them and helped them make the decision easier. After the Conference, they were both very glad that they had joined the Conference. During the Conference, Anita talked about recent Placements of new downlines in her group. Her success story helped many of the members. And Mei Ping became active again after a long period of dormancy. She was trained as both a medical doctor and a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Conference schedule was extremely tight. The first day began at 7:30am and ended after 10pm. The second day began at 7:00am with breakfast, and ended after 7pm. There were a total of six sessions, with the first one on the bus, five of them in the Conference room, plus a seventh session on the bus on the way back to Toronto. There were also three hours of tours each day. Although there were some delays in starting each session, Dr. Ng demonstrated his Time Management techniques, particularly the 80:20 principle, to include the most important topics. From the very beginning, Dr. Ng told the Conference members that one of the most valuable benefits of the Conference was getting to know the unique group of people who have joined the Conference. He encouraged each member to chat with each other using our FORMAT, and emphasized our corporate culture of love and care. Famous TCM doctor and teacher of TCM, Maritza Lee, and her son Jason were among the participants. "We have tested Rejuveno products, particularly Cordyceps Deluxe, and compared them to many different products. Cordyceps Deluxe is better than all other Cordyceps products, according to our tests results." said Jason. Oct. 4 was a very special day. Not only was it the true turning point in the lives of most of the participants, it was in Chinese tradition the Chung Yeung Festival, and also the Chinese-calendar birthday of top Toronto leader Mrs. Catherine Cheung. Dinner on Oct. 4 became Catherine's birthday party. Everyone merrily sang "Happy Birthday To You!", and the waiter at the restaurant took a special picture mounted on a birthday card as Catherine's birthday present.
At the end of the last session, colon cancer patient Francis Chiu shared his observations with the audience. He noticed that colon cancer patients he knew who have been taking Reishi have all survived more than 5 years, but at least 3 of those who refused to take Reishi passed away within 3 years after diagnosis. "The Conference was very enjoyable. I am very very happy." said Francis. After the Conference, Francis became very excited about the Rejuveno business. "I am more interested in developing my Rejuveno business than working at my current job at a clinic. Rejuveno business is so much more interesting and exciting!" Within a week, he had already approached at least six prospects. "Two of them will definitely buy some Rejuveno products." he said. On the way back to Toronto, Dr. Ng asked the participants how much money the Conference was worth. "Priceless!" was the immediate response. The majority of participants raised their hands to confirm that they plan to continue recommending Rejuveno products to their friends regardless of whether they will make money with their Rejuveno business. Most of them concurred that the title of the Conference "A Turning Point in Your Life: An Oasis in the Desert" was most appropriate. Only 1 participant suggested an improvement to the title. Most agreed that the Conference was unique and far better than any other conferences and training programs they had ever participated in. "The design and flow of the sessions were excellent!" said one of the participants. "Other conferences were dull. But this one was not. It was very enjoyable and interesting!" The Conference generated so much excitement that unscheduled events were added on Sunday, Oct. 12 in Market Village, Markham, Ontario: After feeling the benefits, Ingrid was so excited about Rejuveno products that she made special appointments with Dr. Ng on Friday morning (Oct. 10) and again on Friday night to introduce the products to her friends. She also invited her friends to come again to our English seminar on Oct. 12. The seminar in Toronto on Oct. 11, a week after the Conference, attracted almost 110 people, the largest attendance record of any single seminar in the history of Rejuveno. Each of the guests were willing to pay CAD10 to come to the seminar, even though it was the first day of a long weekend (Thanksgiving). The seminar was also longer than any other seminar: a total of 4 hours. Many new guests came to the seminar. They were so interested in Dr. Ng's speech and Rejuveno products that they wrote down many questions on the form. The list of questions seemed endless, and the question-and-answer session lasted for more than half an hour. All sessions of the Conference, and the Vancouver, Ottawa, and Toronto seminars were recorded on many hours of video. They will be edited and highlights of these events will be shared with other leaders in Hong Kong soon.