patient found relieve from
Reishi & Placenta
June 24, 2002
On May 10, 2002, Joyce Li of Canada wrote:
I start telling my story, I would like to explain the disease that we have in
our family. This is a very horrible genetic disease, called MELAS syndrome (Mitochondrial
Encephalopathy Lactic Acidosis and Stroke). The mitochondria in our cells are
abnormal. When they are not functioning properly, an "energy crisis"
can develop in tissues such as muscles, the brain and the heart, which normally
are heavy energy consumers. These can cause a complex variety of symptoms, such
as muscle weakness, muscle cramps, seizures, food reflux, learning disabilities,
deafness, short stature, paralysis of eye muscles, diabetes, cardiac problems
and stroke-like episodes, etc. Only women pass on this disease in their mtDNA to
the next generation. Men do not.
I was diagnosed to have MELAS syndrome in 1998, after my daughter was diagnosed
to have it in 1997.
Over so many years, I complained to my doctor of the sickness, such as fatigue,
muscle cramps, pain, nervousness, headaches and gastrointestinal problems.
Especially, in the last couple years before I had the stroke in 2001, the
symptoms of headache and gastrointestinal problems became more serious. I had
dizziness, double vision, asthma and hearing-loss (I have 10% hearing ability)
too. My doctor ordered many medical tests for me, but never found out the causes
and curable ways to improve my condition.
I knew that Reishi is good for the immune and nervous systems, but I never tried
it until the year 2001. A friend introduced Reishi & Placenta to me. I
started to take Reishi & Placenta at the end of February. I started with two
capsules of Reishi & Placenta (525mg), one capsule of Ester-C (500mg), three
times daily. There was no effect in the first couple of weeks. I knew that the
result of Reishi came gradually.
Unfortunately, in the third week, I experienced a Vertigo Reaction or
"healing crisis". This is a cleansing reaction. Mine was a very
serious one: my migraine headache symptoms became extremely bad, and ......., I was in very poor health. I could not move
easily. My feet and my hands were numb. I was so afraid that Reishi caused me
this......, so I stopped taking Reishi.
Later, after two weeks, I thought, I could have........ any time due to MELAS
syndrome. As I started to take Reishi, the reaction "pushed-out" the........ I should believe the benefits of Reishi! So, I started to take Reishi
& Placenta again in early April.
When I started to take Reishi & Placenta again, I started with two capsules
of Reishi & Placenta and two capsules of Ester-C. According to the
instructions of taking Reishi, Ester-C can help the intestines absorb Reishi
more efficiently. I was on the way to recovery.......... After two to
three weeks, I felt that I got the benefits of Reishi because my.........came
back gradually. I could move again, even though my feet and hands were still
numb: no feeling, I could not hold the pen to write, but I could use the
computer. The most important matter was: I had no more headache. How amazing it
was! The headache bothered me so much in the last few years. At the same time, I
found out that............ my ........... problems got better. Even
my vision is better: no more double vision, no more dizziness. I felt that I had
more energy, I did not have fatigue. ............ My numbness was reduced. I could even do some light housework and I
could take care of my two children.
I have increased the dosage. I started to take three capsules of Reishi &
Placenta and three capsules of Ester-C three times daily. I keep this dosage in
order to maintain my health. I am still on this dosage because this MELAS stays
in my body all my life. There are no treatment for this disease.
After six months of taking Reishi & Placenta, I felt that I was 90% back to
normal.......... and I only needed a cane for
long distance walk. My hands had no more numbness, I could write with a pen, and
I had more energy for my daily life. I have to sing Hallelujah!
Now, one year after my........., I have become a totally normal person. If I do
not tell people about it, nobody knows that I had a horrible stroke just a year
ago. Usually, stroke patients take a long time (many months) to restore some
I hope my testimony will be a good encouragement to people who suffer from
mitochondria disorders or other neuro-musclar diseases. Reishi can improve our
condition, and it makes us easier to live.
May God bless every one!
This testimony was written by Joyce Li (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
May 10, 2002.
Started in April 2001, I have been on long-term disability benefits, due to this
MELAS disease. I do not need to work; therefore I can have more time to rest
because this is an "energy crisis" disease. In the meantime, I
continue to take Reishi & Placenta for the source of energy.
Unfortunately, my daughter passed away in March 2002 with this horrible MELAS
disease. She was 14 years old. She was diagnosed to have this disease when she
was ten years old. Since then, her health became worse year by year. Her body
did not function properly. Finally, the disease went up to her brain, and this
caused the brain cells to die. Although she started taking Reishi a year ago, it
still could not save her. We believed that it was too late for her to start
taking Reishi. She started to take it after the brain cells started to die.
Therefore, we have to believe that Reishi is a good supplement for prevention of
illness. We should take Reishi before it is too late.
MELAS is a genetic disease that is passed by mothers to their children. In our
family, all mothers have this disease. My grandmother died in the year of 1993,
she was 96. My mother is 76 years old this year and she has diabetes for so many
years. Through the DNA blood test two years ago, my brother and my youngest
sister were diagnosed to have the same disease. Since men do not pass this
disease to the next generation, my brother's children are free from this
disease. My sister has no children. My brother had a serious stroke in April
2000. He was paralysed for more than a year. He started taking Reishi in October
2001. After a few months, he can move his limbs easily, and he has some energy
and good spirit. Since his brain was damaged due to the stroke, the cells are on
the dying process. Unfortunately, he is in the same situation as my daughter -
too late to start taking Reishi. He lives day by day now.
I have written a short story about my daughter,
Betty (July 14, 1987 - March 16, 2002). You can read it by clicking
on the hyperlink.
Joyce heard about Rejuveno products from a friend. The
story of Joyce and her daughter Betty "While I wait for an MRI, my daughter
slowly dies" was published in the newspaper in Ottawa on Tuesday, January
30, 2001 before she heard about Rejuveno products. Her husband Patrick Li
contacted Dr. Ng via email. After Dr. Ng's explanations, she placed an
order for Reishi & Placenta and Cordyceps Deluxe on Feb. 18, 2001.