Millenium Christmas Party
(updated on: Dec. 13, 2000)
We had a wonderful Millenium Christmas Party last Friday (Dec. 8, 2000)! This year we had many more guests than last year, so many that the largest banquet room of Newton Hotel (where we had our Christmas party 1999) could not accomodate all of us. So we held the Party at the huge Hang Fook Lau Seafood Restaurant at Cheung Sha Wan Plaza. We had a very rich program: Christmas songs, Santa Claus distributing Christmas gifts, Christmas stories, party game, lucky draws, live performances, buffet dinner, product presentations, testimonials, ....... and lots of fun and laughters filled the party room. Mr. Daniel Lee, media celebrity and long-time friend of Dr. Ng, spoke during the Party. Through several stories, he expressed his valuable opinions about recent news and communication problems among people. He shared with the audience the spiritual joy that came from walking through life with good Christian friends in church. Everyone received Christmas gifts and met new friends. It was also a great time for old friends to see each other again. We had several guests from Canada too, including those from Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa. Ms Yan Yan Ho came from Ottawa. She told the audience that she no longer felt tired after taking Reishi. Her cat also takes Reishi and Cordyceps because when it lost hair due to an allergy, Reishi Deluxe, Cordyceps Deluxe and Ester-C solved its problem after just two weeks. Read the full story told by Ms Ho. Mrs. Cheung used to have breast cancer. She told everyone how she lived through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, and how she fully recovered. Read the full story told by Mrs. Cheung. In the audience there were other cancer patients who said they recovered after taking Reishi Deluxe and Cordyceps Deluxe, and shared the same feelings after listening to Mrs. Cheung. Dr. and Mrs. Leung Fu Chuen, world-famous Chinese doctor, were among the special guests. He spoke highly of Rejuveno products and told the audience that he takes Rejuveno products himself. One of his patients got rid of his long-time cough after taking Rejuveno's Reishi Deluxe, something which none of the Chinese herb or western medicine could do for him. Read Dr. Leung's entire speech. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Nan, world-famous Chinese doctor, were also among the special guests. He brought us a couplet painted on a pair of scrolls, personally painted by him.
We hanged the pair of scrolls immediately next to the Company banner in front of the audience. Dr. Lee explained the meaning of the scrolls to the audience. (The text of the scrolls is posted on the Chinese version of this news article.) "In the old days, even rich people could not get any Reishi. Only the lucky ones could get it. We are lucky to be able to buy a bottle of Reishi Deluxe for just a few hundred Hongkong dollars." Dr. Lee said. Read Dr. Lee's entire speech. He also gave us a scroll "Health is Priceless" and nine of his books with his autograph for our lucky draw. Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to him. Some pictures of the Party have been posted at this web page. There are a large number of photographs and videotape. You are welcome to view them at our office, or at the next seminar, and enjoy the fond memories of good times spent with old friends!