Previous Rejuveno News2001-2004 Last update: January 31, 2005 Highlights from the 2004 Toronto Christmas PartyDecember 15, 2004 74 Canadians attended our 2004 Toronto Christmas Party at Century Palace Chinese Restaurant at the same time and same day as our Hong Kong Christmas Party: 6:30-10pm on Dec. 13. Members paid C$28 and non-members paid C$38 to come to the Party. Everyone received Christmas presents, and many guests won prizes at the lucky draw. The Chinese-style banquet included the very special chicken soup with Cordyceps Deluxe. The program included a talk show, testimonials on our products, party game, lucky draws, and karaoke. We would like to thank Danny and Catherine Cheung for organizing this Party, and many other volunteers who took pictures, video, gave testimonials, and helped out during the Party. Highlights from the 2004 Hong Kong Christmas PartyDecember 15, 2004 "The Party this year was far better than last year! Actually this was the best Christmas Party ever!" said many satisfied guests. The food and services were much better. We had a richer music program with professional audio equipment and sound engineers, live band, flute solo, vocal solo, as well as Christmas songs. The game was very interesting. The testimonials were touching. And the magic show was truly amazing. You have to be there to feel the excitement! Our 2004 Hong Kong Christmas Party was held at Metropol Restaurant in Admiralty from 6:30-11pm on Monday, Dec. 13. There were many new guests as well as old friends. Everyone got Christmas presents, and many guests also got table prizes and lucky draw prizes. It was worth much more than the HK$168 paid by members, and HK$228 paid by non-members. The joy of participation was priceless! We would like to thank the many volunteers who made this Party possible and so enjoyable! For more details and photographs, please come back to see our 2004 Hong Kong Christmas Party Highlights webpage (under construction). Highlights from 9th Leaders Conference I in Hong KongDecember 1 , 2004The two-day 9th Rejuveno Leaders’ Conference I, held at Silvermine Beach Hotel, was successfully completed on 29th Nov., 2004. The theme of the Conference this time was “A Turning Point in Your Life -- An Oasis in the Dessert". There were 35 participants, from many professions including beauty, insurance, education, finance, information technology, and there were Chinese Doctors, etc. They were very eager to learn. In addition to the six two-hour sessions, they sacrificed their free time on Sunday night to participate in an extra session of sharin g. Each participant spoke from their hearts. The valuable experience they shared with each other became the climax of our Conference. About one-third of the participants were repeat participants who were willing to pay double to join the Conference again. They concurred after the Conference that they learnt something new and valuable every time they participated in our Conference."This time the Conference is much more interesting. I could stay alert all the way in spite of the long hours!" said one repeat participant. "I learned much more than I expected. There were many pleasant surprises. It is amazing that Dr. Ng could cover such a wide range of topics in just two day?" exclaimed a new participant."To join the Conference, I had to sacrifice a lot of business on Sunday. But it was very worthwhile and enlightening. I have so many customers but did not know how to introduce Rejuveno products to them. Now I have a great team to help me solve my customer's health problems and improve their quality of life." said an owner of a beauty salon.
"Too Young to Get Stroke, Heart Disease and Diabetes?? What causes them and how to prevent them from happening to you?" Seminar VCD is now available 2004.11.28Dr. Ng's Toronto seminar "Too Young to Get Stroke, Heart Disease and Diabetes?? What causes them and how to prevent them from happening to you?" on October 16, 2004 has been produced in the form of two VCD's. They are now available from our Hong Kong office. The price is HK$20 per set (shipping charges are extra). (Language: Cantonese). "How Much Do You Know About Natural Pain Relief Methods?" Seminar VCD is now available 2004.07.14Dr. Ng's seminar "How Much Do You Know About Natural Pain Relief Methods?" on July 10 has been produced in the form of a VCD. It is now available from our Hong Kong office. The price is HK$10 each. (Language: Cantonese). Highlights of our Fifth Anniversary Celebration June 12, 2004June 14, 2004 At 2-5pm on Saturday, June 12, 2004, we celebrated our Fifth Anniversary at City Garden Hotel, North Point Hong Kong. Tickets were all sold out long before this event. Everyone had a good time with songs, testimonials, lucky draw, video show of major events in the history of Rejuveno, and lots of food. Our special guests speakers were famous doctors Lee Nan and Leung Fu Chuen. Dr. Lee spoke on "Effects of Reishi, Food as Medicine". Dr. Leung spoke on "Secrets of Healthy Exercises". Dr. Gilbert Ng also spoke on "The Safety and Effectiveness of Food as Medicine". .....to be continued.... "Weight Loss Diet and How Weight Loss Is Achieved" 2 VCD's now available 2004.05.22Dr. Ng's two seminars "Weight Loss Diet and How Weight Loss Is Achieved" Parts 1 and 2 on April 17 and May 15 have been produced in the form of two VCD's. They are now available from our Hong Kong office. The price is HK$10 each. Highlights from the Seminar in Hong Kong, May 2004 May 16, 2004
.....more coming soon! Highlights from 7th Leaders Conference I in Hong KongMay 8 , 2004The two-day 7th Rejuveno Leaders’ Conference I, held at Silvermine Beach Hotel, was successfully completed on 2nd May, 2004. The theme of the Conference this time was “A Turning Point in Your Life -- An Oasis in the Dessert". There were 27 participants, from many professions including beauty, insurance, education, real estate, finance, information technology, and there were Chinese Doctors, Chi Kung masters, etc. They were exceptionally eager to learn. In addition to the six two-hour sessions, they sacrificed their free time on Saturday night to participate in an extra session of sharin g. Each participant spoke from their hearts. The valuable experience they shared with each other became the climax of our Conference. Some participants were repeat participants who were willing to pay double to join the Conference again. They concurred after the Conference that they learnt something new and valuable every time they participated in our Conference.Right after the Conference, our Monday Forum and Wednesday Product Presentation meetings were both full-house, with clearly more guests than before. Obviously the Conference participants were able to apply what they learnt from the Conference, starting out with love and care, filling the needs of their friends and relatives. They have formed a great team, helping each other and encouraging each other. Isn't it wonderful?
Highlights from Leaders Conference II in Hong KongApril 7, 2004The 6th Rejuveno Leaders’ Conference, held at Silvermine Beach Hotel, was successfully completed on 5th April, 2004. There were 26 participants, from all walks of life, and everyone had a good time. The theme of the Conference this time was “A Turning Point in Your Life -- Soar Like An Eagle”, which meant that everyone who participated in the Conference would be given a boost in his/her business as a Rejuveno distributor. One of the participants, Mr. Tam said, “I have learnt a lot, both as a Rejuveno distributor and as a person.” Two consecutive days of tightly-scheduled programs required a high-level of energy, attention and fortitude, which to many people, are difficult to manage. The company had certainly taken that into consideration. So there were games at the end of each lesson, and many kinds of amusements throughout the day. “It was refreshing! What more can I expect?” one of the participants said. Highlights from the Hong Kong 2004 Chinese New Year PartyFebruary 1, 2004 Wednesday Night Product Presentations Febr uary 1, 2004Starting from February 2004, there will be a regular Product Presentation in the auditorium at our Hong Kong office every Wednesday night at 7-8pm. You are welcome to invite your friends and relatives to this Product Presentation. Please call to reserve your seats in advance. Highlights from the Ottawa 2004 Chinese New Year BanquetJanuary 29, 2004 It was a wonderful banquet on Jan. 25, 2004, the biggest Rejuveno event in Ottawa. Here you can find Anita's report and some photographs, and Joyce Li's Testimonial. Rejuveno Distributor Training Course January 27, 2004 Date: Feb. 22 and Feb. 29, 2004 (Two consecutive Sundays)Time: 1:00-9:00pm Venue: Auditorium, Suite 1205 Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong Language: Chinese (Cantonese) Fee: HK$250 Deadline for enrollment: Feb. 16, 2004 Flyers: Rejuveno Distributor Training Course (Zipped MS WORD Format) Rejuveno Distributor Training Course Flyer (Acrobat PDF Format) As Seats are limited, please buy tickets soon, before they are all sold out! 2003 Christmas PartyDe cember 23, 2003Date: Monday, Dec.
15, 2003 The Christmas Party this year was bigger and better than ever! The total number of guests and the number of first-time guests have broken all previous records. Everyone received at least three Christmas gifts, including two VCD's and a 2004 calendar. Some guests also received a table prize and/or a grand prize. Everyone sang Christmas songs, played games, listened carefully to the words of wisdom spoken by three magi from the East, and the health messages delivered by two famous teachers of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and heard the testimony of Mr. Leung, a prostate cancer patient in remission, who had just celebrated his 90th birthday. Some photographs can be found here. More photographs will be posted later. Stay tuned! Ottawa ForumDecember 9, 2003 The first Canadian Forum was held in Ottawa at 7-9pm on Sunday, Dec. 7, 2003. 11 Ottawa Distributors participated in the Forum, sharing their experience for one hour. Then Dr. Ng joined them through video conferencing, answering all their questions in detail. Rejuveno Distributor Training Course December 9, 2003 The Distributor Training Course held on Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, 2003 (Two consecutive Sundays) had about two dozen participants, including Chinese doctors, beauticians, insurance agents, an athlete, a life-saver, a computer expert, a bio-tech expert, and several housewives. Highlights from the Toronto/Ottawa Events in Oct. 2003October 17, 2003 Photographs of these events can be seen by clicking here. Highlights from The First Canadian Leaders Conference Oct. 4-5, 2003October 17, 2003 Photographs of the event can be seen by clicking here. Highlights from the Vancouver Seminar on Sept. 27, 2003September 29, 2003 Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on Aug. 27, 2003August 28, 2003 5th Leaders Conference Was Highly Beneficial to Participants June 18, 2003 The 5th Leaders Conference was held at Silvermine Beach Hotel on June 15-16, 2003. As there were too many applicants in our last Conference in March, we organized this special Conference as an extra event. There were as many participants as the last Conference, with 50% more participants than we planned for. The participants came from all walks of life, including beauticians, medical workers, professional salespeople, management consultant, food industry workers, and housewives. This Conference was much improved over the last one. Dr. Charles Lam gave talks on marketing and personal planning. Everyone learnt a lot! This Conference has truly become a turning point in their lives! MSM Good for Frozen Shoulder Pain -- Testimonial of a hotel worker in CanadaJune 13, 2003 Highlights of Three Hong Kong Seminars in MayMay 27, 2003 In the afternoon on Monday, May 12, 2003, Dr. Ng was invited to speak at a small restaurant in Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The title of his seminar was "SARS and a Strong Immune System, and The Vitamin C Controversy". Among the many guests were three new guests who came as a result of a cold call by a Rejuveno Friend. One of them was a real estate agent. She and her two friends became so interested in Rejuveno products that they all came to our North Point office two days later to learn more about how to use our products. All of them bought products. From then on, the real estate agent came to every seminar, no matter where the seminar was held, in North Point or Yuen Long, and brought other friends along. Our Company-sponsored seminar was held in the auditorium of our North Point Office at 2:30-4:30pm on Saturday, May 24, 2003. Once again, Dr. Ng was the speaker, and Ronnie served as the Master of Ceremony. The title of the seminar was "Turning Crisis into Personal Security: The Positive Influence of SARS". As another seminar was scheduled two days later, and many Hong Kong people went out for celebrations the day after WHO lifted the travel advisory against Hong Kong, the seminar was not as crowded as last time, which allowed each participant more opportunities to ask questions. At 2:30-5:30pm on Monday, May 26, 2003, Dr. Ng was invited to speak again in Yuen Long at Mei Mee Yuen Restaurant. This time, there were twice as many guests as last time. The title of the seminar was "Turning Crisis into Personal Security: The Positive Influence of SARS". Among the guests were many professionals from health-care, education, and business sectors. Mary Has Recovered from Her Bronchial IllnessMay 17, 2003 Highlights from The 4th Leaders ConferenceApril 1, 2003 This Conference held on Mar. 29-30, 2003 was very exciting, and was unaffected by SARS! The number of participants was the largest ever, and includes people from all walks of life. There were medical professionals, housewives and clerical workers, highly experienced successful businessmen and business management scholars, and newcomers to home-based business. The contents of the Conference were extremely rich. Every participant could learn a great deal through the Conference, and they all appreciated the great value for money. These two days truly became a turning point in their lives! Statistics taken before and after the Conference showed that those who decided to become part-time networkers increased 20%, and those who decided to become full-time networkers increased 100%! March 28, 2003 The Prevention of SARS - Atypical PneumoniaSARS and A Strong Immune SystemHighlights from the Chinese New Year Party on February 15, 2003February 21, 2003 Highlights from the Vancouver Special Seminar on Saturday, February 8, 2003February 9, 2003 Ottawa Accountant has More Energy, Less Pain, and Lost Weight!January 30, 2003 Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on Jan. 11, 2003Januuary 16, 2003 Highlights from Two Seminars in Yuen LongJanuary 16, 2003 Two seminars on Dec. 2, 2002 and Jan. 13, 2003 attracted many health professionals. Highlights from the Second Seminar in Macau Dec. 21, 2002December 24, 2002 In this seminar, Macau resident Ms Leong shared an exciting testimonial about her dramatic weight loss and recovery from extremely poor health conditions. 2002 Christmas Party HighlightsDecember 16, 2002 Three Magi from the East, two Chinese doctors, one calligrapher, over 120 first-time guests, dozens of prizes, fun and games, Christmas songs, Christmas story, Santa Claus, testimonials, and lots of smiles........read the details and view the photos here. Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on Nov. 16, 2002November 16, 2002 VCD of Product Presentation on Sep. 14, 2002 available November 1, 2002 The Rejuveno product presentation of Dr. Gilbert Ng during the seminar on September 14, 2002 has been made into a new VCD. The length of the video recording is about 42 minutes. It is now available from our Hong Kong office. The price is HK$10 each. You are welcome to place orders by phone (2566-3892). Please allow one week to process your order. When you place the order, please specify the format you need: 1. Hong Kong PAL VCD format (for VCD or DVD players) The contents of this VCD is very interesting. There is a detailed discussion on the benefits, features, production process, and quality control process of Reishi Deluxe. A brief discussion on the other six Rejuveno products is also included. At the end of the video recording, there are three testimonials from the September 14 seminar, on the benefits of Rejuveno products on hypertension, cold/flu, PMS, and periodontitis. The language of the VCD is in Cantonese. Highlights from Four Hong Kong/Macau seminars in Oct. 2002October 24, 2002 In the month of October 2002, Dr. Ng spoke in four seminars in Taipo, Macau, Tsuen Wan, and Hong Kong. Click here for details. Cordyceps Seminar VCD: Oct. 19 2002October 24, 2002 The video recording of the seminar on Oct. 19, 2002 has been converted to VCD format. It contains Dr. Ng's speech "The Results of the Latest Scientific Studies on Cordyceps" in Cantonese. The length of the video recording is about 45 minutes. You are welcome to order the VCD from our Hong Kong headquarters, at HK$10 each. Please allow one week to process your order. When you place the order, please specify the format you need: 1. Hong Kong PAL VCD format (for VCD or DVD players) Testimonials in FrenchOctober 2, 2002 In order to help friends who can only read French, a testimonial is now available in French: French Canadian lady and her son enjoy physical and mental health
Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on Sep. 14, 2002September 18, 2002 It was an exciting event! Besides excellent speeches made by Dr. Lee Nan and Dr. Gilbert Ng, there were testimonials on high blood pressure, cold/flu, PMS, and periodontitis. Click here for details. Thyroid Cancer Patient Mrs. Agnes Ng in RemissionAugust 13, 2002 Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on August 3, 2002August 5, 2002 Highlights from the Hong Kong seminar on July 6, 2002July 6, 2002 Highlights from the Vancouver seminar on June 22, 2002June 29, 2002 Highlights from the Calgary seminar on June 15, 2002June 29, 2002 Highlights from the Toronto English seminar on June 9, 2002June 29, 2002 Highlights from the Toronto Chinese seminar on June 8, 2002July 26, 2002 Medical Doctor from Mexico came to Toronto just for Reishi DeluxeJune 29, 2002 Highlights of the Ottawa Seminars on June 1, 2002June 29, 2002 Mr. Chung's allergies are gone after more than 10 years!May 22, 2002 Highlights from the Special Seminar on Apr. 24, 2002See the photos and the happy faces of our guests. Email NewslettersMarch 20, 2002 If you are a Rejuveno Distributor but have not been receiving our email newsletters Rejuveno Friends, you have missed a lot of important and useful information not found in this website: testimonials, health tips, special offers, new products, etc. If you are interested in developing a home-based business with a global sales network, there is another email newsletter Rejuveno Leaders with valuable information on success stories and useful sales techniques. Send us an email to subscribe to these newsletters now. As most of our Distributors are already on-line with email addresses, we are mainly using these email newsletters to make announcements instead of sending printed hardcopies of our Chinese newsletters. If some of your friends do not have an email address yet, please encourage them to go on-line, or print hardcopies of our email newsletters for them to read off-line. Highlights from The February 16, 2002 SeminarFebruary 18, 2002 Click here for a detailed report and photos. French Canadian lady and her son enjoy physical and mental healthDec. 25, 2001 On Dec. 17, Danielle L'Ecuyer of Ottawa wrote about great improvements in her own health and her son Richard's health, both physically and mentally, after taking Rejuveno products for two-and-a-half years. See her testimonial. Dr. Ng Spoke to Radiologists at Hong Kong Medical Association on Dec. 15, 2001Dec. 19, 2001 Highlights from the Hong Kong Christmas Party 2001Dec. 12, 2001 Our Christmas Party 2001 was bigger than ever! See the photographs. Eleventh Chinese NewsletterOctober 29, 2001 If you read Chinese, please take a look at our Chinese Newsletter and send us your valuable comments: Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
October 29, 2001 Highlights from the Grand Opening of Our New HeadquartersSeptember 18, 2001 Click here for a detailed report and photos. Tenth Chinese NewsletterAugust 8, 2001 If you read Chinese, please take a look at our Chinese Newsletter and send us your valuable comments: Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter August 1, 2001 MELAS Patient found relieve in Reishi and PlacentaAugust 7, 2001 Joyce Li of Ottawa has written an "Amazing Testimony" about her genetic disease MELAS which is a mitochondrial disorder. After taking Reishi & Placenta, her headache is gone! She recovered from stroke in 4 weeks. Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
April 30, 2001 Highlights from The March 17, 2001 SeminarRejuveno Chinese Newsletter
February 28, 2001 Highlights from The February 3, 2001 Seminar Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
January 18, 2001 Highlights from The January 6, 2001 SeminarMillenium Christmas Party HighlightsRejuveno Chinese Newsletter
December 8, 2000 Highlights from The November 18, 2000 SeminarRejuveno Chinese Newsletter
November 10, 2000 Highlights from The October 29, 2000 Group TourHighlights from The Seminar on October 14, 2000Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
September 29, 2000 Highlights from The Seminar on September 9, 2000The Safety of PlacentaRejuveno Chinese Newsletter
August 23, 2000 Reishi Products Found to be Extremely DifferentWonderful News from a Cancer PatientAlyssa Baldwin recovered from Aplastic Anemia after 7 yearsHighlights from The Seminar on August 5, 2000Highlights from the Exhibition in Hong Kong July 28-30, 2000Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
July 17, 2000 Rejuveno Chinese Newsletter
May 29, 2000 July 2000 Leaders Conference Highlights June 24, 2000 Seminar Highlights Susanna's allergy is gone after more than 10 years of suffering! April 15, 2000 Seminar Highlights March 2000 Leaders Conference Highlights March 11, 2000 Seminar Highlights Product VCD availableJune 1, 2000
Our first VCD is now available for sale at HK$30 (C$6.00, US$4.00) plus
postage HK$11.00 (C$2.20, US$1.50). It is a 45-minute video CD in
Cantonese (Chinese), and is very useful for showing your friends what Rejuveno
products can do for them. There is a 10-minute brief explanation
of all Rejuveno products, presented by Dr. Gilbert Ng, followed by a series of
impressive testimonials of grateful customers who used to suffer from allergy,
insomnia, hepatitis, nail problems, hyperthyroidism, laryngitis, etc.
Even a 2-year-old child likes to take Reishi Deluxe everyday! Many
of these customers have tried western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine,
and all kinds of nutritional supplements but nothing could help them until
they found Rejuveno products. You can see the excitement on their
Although it is in PAL format, you can play the VCD on a VCD player which has a
dual (NTSC/PAL) system, and you can certainly play it on your computer after
installing a software such as Xing or VCD PowerPlayer.
Rejuveno 2000 Chinese New Year Party Highlights Rejuveno 1999 Christmas Party Highlights This Web page and all linked pages are designed and developed by Dr. Gilbert Ng. Email: gng@rejuveno.com Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced by any means or in any form without permission from the author. |